About us
The group was founded in 2006 and was restructured in 2018. Now UWISE is an innovative management company that brings together brands with reputable, honest and reliable partners. We continue to invest in technology, new products and innovations in our companies. Sound management decisions and impeccable performance of the commitments allowed our group to earn a name worthy of trust.
UWISE brings together companies and investment projects of the group, coordinates their development activities and business strategy. We have a diversified portfolio of assets in various industries. The companies in which we participate in our equity capital have become known in our market segments in such diverse fields as information technology, payment systems, media and telecommunications, information transport systems, berry and processing, energy, instrumentation and system integration. These companies makes solid foundation for our business.
Our projects
WISETECH is a complex project in the field of energy, telecommunications, industrial and civil engineering, industrial precision conditioning solutions, uninterrupted and guaranteed power supply.
The company is an official representative and partner of STARK, Emerson Network Power, Huawei, Ventura, BB battery, SAMIL POWER.
The company successfully implements its decisions on power supply and storage of electricity in nuclear power engineering, alternative energy projects, electric transport and underground, mining, railways, telecommunications operators, and in the domestic sector. A special place in business is integrated solutions for the construction of data center and data storage systems.
The company's activities are aimed at growing elite varieties of strawberry, blueberries, currants and raspberries.
The high technology of berries and innovations in agricultural production, the quality management system and the environmental quality of products are confirmed by the European certification of Global G.A.P., enabling us to meet the demand of the most demanding customers in the premium HoReCa segment and deliver products to supermarket shelves. Thanks to good management and investor efforts, the company has become example of plant growing in the Kyiv region.
The company has become a reliable supplier of leading retail chains of Ukraine, develops its export potential and constantly confirms its responsible attitude to production and high quality products.
A company with a full cycle of software development, specializing in developing and focusing on the latest technology.
We help companies achieve their goals through industry-specific software solutions for automating complex business processes, information transport systems, neural networks and machine learning, high transaction speeds, and large-scale data mining analytics.
One of the leading companies in Ukraine and CIS specializing in the manufacture of fire alarm equipment, with more than 40 years of experience in this field and a wide range of industrial solutions for use in transport, energy and civil engineering, designing and manufacturing of specialized devices
The company has come a long time, but has withstood the challenges and maintained a systematic approach to instrumentation and expertise in the field of industrial fire-fighting equipment, modernized production and its solutions.
We took a very serious approach to investing this segment by choosing a fairly complex asset in the market but with significant growth potential and unrealized opportunities to enter external markets. Restructuring, investment in new products and solutions, modernization of production and modern management approach have improved and made the company efficient and profitable.
Для реалізації проекту з будівництва заводу з переробки фруктів та ягід БЕРІФУД залучено іноземні інвестиції. За сприяння Голови ОДА та завдяки спільним зусиллям з Агенцією Регіонального розвитку Житомирської області проект отримав допомогу та супровід у питаннях отримання дозвільних документів та процедур імплементації проєкту
Ми запускаємо проект розбудови заводу з переробки ягід та фруктів. Маємо конкретні кроки у напрямку реалізації проєкту. Наша дочірня компанія «БЕРІФУД» визначилась та придбала ділянку під будівництво та почала проектування нового іноваціного виробництва
The volume of investments in berry production and the production of healthy foods based on berries has increased. Exit to foreign markets.
To the directions of our IT team's activities, we added neural network and machine learning development projects, high transaction-intensive systems and large-scale data processing analytics.
Restructuring a group of companies and launching the brand UWISE as an innovative management company and investment company.
Development of the project in the field of information technologies. Investing in a company with a full cycle of software development, which creates specialized industry software solutions for the automation of complex business processes, and information transport systems.
The company of the agricultural producer, which is part of the group, has passed the international certification of quality Global G.A.P. (Good Agricultural Practice).
Global G.A.P. (G.A.P. - Good Agricultural Practice) is a program offered by retail chains in Europe to ensure safe food production.
The project was initiated in partnership with the Chinese giant AliExpress for exclusive representation to support the warranty service programs of clients of the AliExpress trading platform on the territory of Ukraine.
One of the UWISE group company becomes a shareholder of one of the leading enterprises in Ukraine and the CIS specializing in the manufacture of fire alarm equipment, with more than 40 years of experience in this field. A systemic reorganization of the enterprise with the simultaneous improvement of the assets, modernization and modernization of production.
Such decisions reflect our belief in economic recovery in Ukraine as a whole. The group has become a reliable supplier of leading retail chains of Ukraine.
Investing in berry projects with the use of advanced technologies and practices.
As implementation of the diversification strategy, it was decided to create a company of instantaneous payments market operator with its own network of terminals
Was created company as provider of integrated solutions in the field of energy and telecommunications, uninterrupted and guaranteed power supply. The company is involved in a significant infrastructure project for the development of mobile networks and optic-fiber data networks.